For the Unipol Group, looking towards the future in particular means focusing on new generations, and supporting projects related to welfare, medical and scientific research, gender equality, solidarity and subsidiarity. In light of this, through all Group companies we dedicate a part of our sponsorship projects to initiatives that concretely contribute to improving the sustainability of future generations.

National Food Collection Day returns on Saturday, 16 November
28th National Food Collection Day
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Saturday 18 November 2023: the charity event promoted by Fondazione Banco Alimentare returns across Italy
27° giornata nazionale della colletta alimentare
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Saturday 26 November 2022: return of the Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus initiative all over Italy
Saturday 26 November 2022: return of the Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus initiative all over Italy
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25th National Food Collection Day: Grocery shopping for people in difficulty is back
25° Giornata nazionale della colletta alimentare: torna in presenza la spesa per le persone in difficoltà
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UnipolSai supports 24th National Food Collection Day: new form, same substance
21 November to 8 December
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Photo exhibition "Compagni di Banco"
UnipolSai partner of Food Bank Foundation

Unipol's Week in the Franciscan canteens
La Settimana Unipol nelle Mense Francescane d'Italia